Day: 14 hours ago

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Top Automation Testing Tools For 2025

As we move further into 2025, the landscape of automation testing continues to evolve rapidly. New tools and technologies are emerging, promising to make software testing faster, more reliable, and more integrated into the development pipeline. In this blog post, we will explore the top automation testing tools for 2025 that are poised to dominate […]

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How to get HTML5 validation message with Selenium?

To get an HTML5 validation message using Selenium, you need to interact with form validation in a way that can capture the browser’s built-in error messages. Typically, HTML5 validation occurs when a form is submitted, and if the fields don’t meet the required constraints (like required, pattern, minlength, etc.), the browser displays a validation message. […]

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Why do we need Automation Testing

Automation testing is important for several reasons, especially in modern software development. Here are the main benefits: 1. Efficiency and Speed 2. Reusability 3. Better Coverage 4. Cost-Effective in the Long Run 5. Reliability 6. Improved Test Coverage and Quality 7. Testing in Unreachable Scenarios 8. Non-Functional Testing 9. Integration with CI/CD Pipelines 10. Helps […]
